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Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club

PLEASE NOTE: We have two launch locations, the Boathouse at 165 2nd St. / off Bond St. and the Bunker at the end of 19th St. off of 3rd Ave. The starting place for each activity is listed with the event listing. In general, guided tours leave from 19th St. Walk-Up paddling may be at either location, depending on the current status of the work in the canal. It takes about 35 minutes to walk between the locations and about 10 minutes to drive. PLEASE CHECK the location to ensure you are not late to a timed tour. Trips can not be joined once the group leaves the dock.

[ Rain 30 min. Prior to start time may cancel event and dates +30 days in the future are subject to change ]

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A Persistence of Cormorants Poetry Reading

August 17 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

A cormorant in the water with text "A Persistence of Cormorants, Poetry by the Gowanus" in the water below it.

A Persistence of Cormorants is a summer-long poetry reading series on our shoreline featuring accomplished and exceptional poets from the New York area, many of who live in Brooklyn. On each of the scheduled Sundays, from 1:30 to 3:30, up to four featured poets will read for 10 to 15 minutes each.

A man in a cowboy hat stands at a microphone, speaking to people seated on benches across from him. The Brooklyn skyline is in the background.
Gerry reads poetry at the canal

The readings will be followed by open mic time limited to ten readers (one poem no longer than 3 minutes) who have signed up the day of the reading on a first come basis.

Reading will be outdoors at the Gowanus open shoreline and we invite you to engage with the emerging Gowanus Canal habitat as we witness the EPA conduct their SuperFUN/d cleanup program. Event may move to inside the boathouse if it begins to rain or we want to escape the summer heat. If other activity is occurring on the street or esplanade, event may move inside.

Participation is free but we encourage donations to sustain the efforts of the Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club, an advocacy stewardship organization who has been representing neighborhood interests for over two decades.

4th: Gregory Crosby, Brad Vogel, Melinda Wilson, more TBD
18th: Rachel Hadas, Abigail Wellhouse, Kristina Andersson, Estha Weiner
25th: Readers TBD

1st: Susan Cohen, Sarah Wallace, more TBD
8th: Jo Solfren, Amy Lemmon, more TBD
22nd: Bruce E. Whitacre, Gerry La Femina, Jordan Franklin, Miranda Beeson
29th: Jiwon Choi, Caroline Hagood, Ruth Danon

13th: Mervyn Taylor, more TBD
20th: Ruth Thompson, Amy Holman, Billy Cancel
27th: Broadstone Books: Hilary Sideris, Myra Malkin, Merideth Treade, Amy Barone

3rd: Rebecca Durham, Lynn Mcgee, Ashley Mabbit, more TBD
10th: Readers TBD
17th: Readers TBD
24th: Readers TBD
31st: Readers TBD

14th: Tom Sleigh, Neil Shepard, Karen Nueberg, Dennis Nurkse
21st: Richard Levine, Arden Levine, Elaine Sexton, JoAnne MacF
28th: Austin Alexis, Karen Hildebrand, Lisa Badner, Lisa Andrews

5th: Readers TBD
13th: Broadstone Books: Margo Stever, Susana H. Case, Mary Moloney, Macia Le Beau


August 17
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
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Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club Boathouse
165 2nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11231 United States
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